Month: August 2018

Daydream like a Fucking Badass

Daydream like a Fucking Badass

Forget what your teachers, parents, coaches and government told you: Daydreaming is awesome. Don’t pay attention – the world will still be here when you get back. Are there times to focus? Absolutely. And if you don’t focus when you need to, life and… Continue Reading “Daydream like a Fucking Badass”

How to Suck at Marketing and Get Clients Anyway

How to Suck at Marketing and Get Clients Anyway

What if you had to write a ten-page sales letter, one that would turn readers into clients? If you have a copywriting background, you’d shrug and get cracking. If you don’t, though, that can be a smidge intimidating. But what if I changed the… Continue Reading “How to Suck at Marketing and Get Clients Anyway”

The Trivial Way to Hack and Reprogram Your Unconscious

The Trivial Way to Hack and Reprogram Your Unconscious

Your unconscious is outside your awareness, but it’s not outside your control. It’s a strange quirk of psychology that most of our minds are invisible to us. Even stranger is how easy it is to influence our inner black boxes. But it’s not as… Continue Reading “The Trivial Way to Hack and Reprogram Your Unconscious”

Hypnosis Clients Don’t Care About Hypnosis

Hypnosis Clients Don’t Care About Hypnosis

When you describe what you offer, what should you focus on? That’s a question you need to answer before you write about your products and services. Whether you’re using a sales letter (long, persuasive webpages that lead towards a sale) or squeeze pages (similar… Continue Reading “Hypnosis Clients Don’t Care About Hypnosis”

Why Hypnotic Resistance is Nothing to Brag About

Why Hypnotic Resistance is Nothing to Brag About

I like to think of certain activities as hypnotic habits. These actions, when done regularly, leave you more open to hypnotic experiences. It gives the process a little boost, whether you’re the hypnotist or subject. If you do these regularly, it can make you… Continue Reading “Why Hypnotic Resistance is Nothing to Brag About”

The Principal Skinner Guide to Web Design

The Principal Skinner Guide to Web Design

If you’re designing a website for a hypnosis business, you should take inspiration from Principal Skinner. As any fan of The Simpsons can tell you, Skinner is an uptight, rules-loving bureaucrat. His career highlight was making the school so monotonous that the students blinked… Continue Reading “The Principal Skinner Guide to Web Design”

What It’s Like to be More Unconscious

What It’s Like to be More Unconscious

When you embrace hypnotic habits, something interesting starts to happen. In many ways, it’s the ultimate benefit. Every other good things that happens to you is a subset of this, overshadowed by this change to your being. The more in tune with your unconscious… Continue Reading “What It’s Like to be More Unconscious”

You Might Be an Ericksonian Hypnotist, But Your Website Isn’t

You Might Be an Ericksonian Hypnotist, But Your Website Isn’t

Never design your website’s homepage without thinking about your clients. What are they doing? How are they feeling? Why are they visiting your site in the first place? A lot of people decide they want to see a hypnotist and start Googling. It doesn’t… Continue Reading “You Might Be an Ericksonian Hypnotist, But Your Website Isn’t”

The Best Mind Expanding, Consciousness Altering Disciplines on Earth

The Best Mind Expanding, Consciousness Altering Disciplines on Earth

If you want to become smarter, faster, healthier, emotionally balanced, more intuitive and just all-round better at life, what do you do? Why, you upgrade your brain, of course. You might think of your brain as being a fixed thing that you’re stuck with.… Continue Reading “The Best Mind Expanding, Consciousness Altering Disciplines on Earth”

The “My Friend John” of Your Hypnosis Business

The “My Friend John” of Your Hypnosis Business

The My Friend John technique is a thing of beauty. It shows how creative you can be with the hypnotic process. If you want to hypnotise someone, one way is to describe “your friend’s” experience. You talk about how they didn’t know what to… Continue Reading “The “My Friend John” of Your Hypnosis Business”
