(Almost) 60 quarantine-proof strategies

This week, I’ve been promoting my Three-Score Navike guide.

It’s turned out to be an easy and fun thing. I love the book, so it’s not hard for me to talk it up for a few days.

But it almost wasn’t this easy.

See, I had it in my mind that I’d need to write a supplement for it. Many of the strategies, I thought, would need adapting to the present situation.

And, sure – in places where businesses have shut down or you can’t go outside, a couple of them aren’t so easy.

But it turns out I was more clever than I thought when I wrote this. You can do almost everything in this book from anywhere in the world, so long as you have internet.

Yes, even if you’re quarantined.

So I saved myself some work by making it impervious to the ups, downs and whatever direction this is.

With some things in life, that sort of flexibility comes with a price. Maybe you’re thinking the techniques aren’t as good then, because I’ve made them too vague.

Not so, my cynical pendo. It turns out by making them resilient, I also made them specific, useful and effective.

I outdid myself with this, then surprised myself all over again.

It’s nice to get a reminder of my own forward thinking…

But that’s far, far too much self-indulgence. You don’t need to know the story here. All you need to know is this guide works, no matter where you are or what ravages these lands.

If you’d like to invest in yourself, then I recommend making your way over here:


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