The Weird Reason to be a Celebrity

Some folk long for fame. Others want anything but that. Being in the public eye has its pros and cons.

Cons: getting mocked, stalked and gawked at.

Pros: wealth, fame and influence.

Plus one delightful (and often overlooked) advantage. This might be the best reason to be a celebrity. I’d take this over being scrutinised on social media 24/7, that’s for sure.

The best part?

You don’t need to be famous to have this, although it certainly helps.

You can claim this for yourself, no matter who you are, with just a little imagination. Oh, and you’ll need someone’s help with it. But trust me, it couldn’t be much easier.

It’s as simple as this:

Find someone you trust. They’ll need good intentions towards you, it’s true. But that’s not enough. A puppy thinks quite highly of you – as nice as that is, you’ll need something more.

You’ll need someone whose opinions and expertise you respect.

Think of it this way – let’s say you had a sudden problem, like you lost your job. Who in your life would you turn to for advice? That person, I hope, wants nothing but good things for you, and is smart enough to make excellent suggestions.

That’s the sort of person you’ll need.

Need for what, you ask?

The hidden-yet-public benefit to being a celebrity:

Being interviewed.

Now, okay, most celebrity interviews aren’t great. They’re either hostile, in which case no one gets anything out of it. Or they’re light-hearted, which at least make people smile.

Then there are those rare interviews.

They tend to be longer, with a skilled host.

The ones that really get beneath the surface and explore who the person really is.

Your interview can be like this. It’s why you want someone you can trust, because it takes care and skill to open you up like this.

The interview might be purely technical, like how you do something you’re good at.

Or it can explore your personality, your desires, your fears.

Ideally, it does both.

This isn’t therapy, because you’re not trying to do anything. You’re both curious about you. Together, you’re exploring what is and following what comes up.

If this sounds weird or like it wouldn’t do anything, try it. It’s strangely powerful – more emotional, intense and useful than you might imagine.

Be prepared for anything that arises, be open to what comes up and go with it.

So that’s one way to enhance your life.

But if self-improvement really interests you, what would you do with more techniques than you can use?

Like, say, 60 of them?

Get your hands on Three-Score Navike – the comprehensive and easy way to grow and evolve – right here:

Your $100 discount for torture and brainwashing disappears soon

In the spirit of the season, I’ve knocked $100 off the price of Monster Mind Edukaré. If you’ve been hesitating to get it, hesitate no longer.

Inside, you can sink your fangs, claws or tentacles onto all this:

  • How to use psychological torture techniques to enter a meditative state,
  • Two easy ways (and a few trickier ones) to remove any mental block, bad habit or performance issue,
  • A taste of what monks experience in the deepest meditations – yes, you can feel this too,
  • Something I call the “growth mindset on steroids”,
  • Learn on the go with 37 podcasts, each packed with actionable (and proven) tips,
  • Two programs that link what you learn to your greatest desires, so you’ll never forget to apply it,
  • How to learn with your mind and not against it (like you have been doing up til now),
  • Live a life so awesome that it’s trivial to quit smoking, sleep better and think clearer,
  • Weapons-grade, MkUltra-inspired self-hypnosis for becoming anyone you want.

Plus plenty more.

Plus free access to any content I create for it in the future (probably a few times per year).

Some of that list is a little dark, I know. I won’t apologise for including the most powerful techniques I could find – and unless you have a history of psychosis, you’ll be fine.

It’s safer than what social media does to your brain, a lot more useful to you.

Anyway, clock’s ticking on that discount.

Nab everything here now because that price is going back up in less than an hour (from me writing this, so less time for you).

Here’s the link:

Let me push your buttons

If not that, at least let me show you how to install them.

“Mate, he really presses my buttons.” Not a great thing you want folk to say about you, right?

But why not?

Surely not every button you have runs hot.

What if you had a confidence button? Anyone who pushes that would be worth befriending, hiring or marrying.

Or a focus button. If you could concentrate as easily as you could launch Twitter, what would that do for you?

This Halloween, you’re going to see many folk dressed as robots, cyborgs and androids. But they’re all pretending. None of them have buttons – not useful ones like these, at least.

While they’re faking it, you could get the real thing.

When I say a button, I mean it. When I tap the back of my left hand, my state of mind shifts. It suddenly becomes easy – irresistible, even – to sit down and work for hours. Distractions be damned, redeemed and damned again.

And I can tap to activate a state of mind so pleasant, bizarre and useful, it’s difficult to explain. But I don’t need to label it, merely experience it.

You can become a cyborg like me – getting whatever you want with a touch of the finger.

If that sounds too good to be true, I’ll say this – it takes consistent practice to set these up. Depending on who you are and how you think, it might take a month or two to see results.

Or only a few days.

With a bit of luck and planning, you can even create a handy button in minutes.

And it’ll last for the rest of your life. It won’t where off because the more you use it, the more effective it becomes.


I explain it all in simple, step-by-step detail in module 5 – Hack Your Hands.

You can get that here, plus the other 18 modules:

P.S. It’s Halloween, so how about you take advantage of my Halloween discount. The price is $100 off for the next few hours.

Procrastinating party people could consider cruising here in a hurry

If you’re going to a Halloween party tonight, then listen up: procrastination is not your friend. The clock is ticking on the $100 discount to Monster Mind Edukaré – everything you need to find and face your mind’s inner treasures. If you were thinking of buying it later, ‘later’ will be too late – and many of you’ll be riding the mother of all sugar highs, with the taste of chocolate on your tongue and buzzing in your brain.

If you’re reading this going “huh? Tonight? Halloween is tomorrow, doofus!” then I remind you of the existence of time zones.

The discount ends on Halloween – my Halloween – and Halloween ends sooner for me than many of you.

Either way…

Procrastinate at your peril.

If you want to tame or slay the monsters in your mind – those problematic thoughts that keep you from what you know you deserve – this contains everything you need.

I’ll never discount it this much again. In fact, the price of Monster Mind Edukaré will only rise in the future.

Buy it now and you can put it to one side, focus on your costume prep and really live it up.

Waiting is for suckers. Besides, your monsters have had free reign for far too long.

It’s time to break out the lance, shackles and boots – in your mind, hunting season is open.

Here’s the link:

P.S. You have about 14 hours from when I sent this until this discount vanishes. It’s not quite “last chance!” time yet, but it’s oh so soon. Be sure to follow the link.

Audio quality that’s so low, it’s spooky

To celebrate Halloween, I’m going all Freddy Krueger on my prices. You can grab Monster Mind Edukaré – one of the most thorough ways to train every part of your mind – at a toe-curling $100 discount.

One of the modules (out of 19) is a bundle of 37 practical, tip-laden podcasts, covering everything from how to sleep on planes to how to meditate without meditating.

I call these the Autumn Files because I recorded most of them at that time of year.

And I did so while working around, yapping into my phone’s microphone.

So the audio quality is bad. There’s background noise, wind, birds and planes.

Sometimes I have to pause to let traffic go by.

This is not some slick, fancy setup – I’m literally just walking around.

I’m proud of this module, despite that, for two reasons:

One, the quality is good enough. You can make out what I’m saying – what more do you need?

Two, the content is dynamite.

Want to know how to hypnotise your own gut or take the sting out of bad memories? You can learn each of those in minutes.

And if you really can’t stand occasional background noise (oh no!), you have options.

You can skip that module and still get a hundred times your money’s worth – especially if you take advantage of the discount.

Or you can walk away. If that’s a deal-breaker, this was never going to work out anyway.

If you can stomach amazing content you won’t hear anywhere else, plus the occasional bird squawking overhead, now’s the perfect time to get it.

And get it you can by following this here link:

Coyote kindness, human cruelty

Western civilisation has been very kind to the coyote. We drove off their competitors and predators – the wolf and the bear. We encouraged the rodent population to boom.

Coyotes must be living in paradise.

Sometimes I think the coyotes get more out of our civilisation than we do. I’m not about to give up technology or cities, but they come with costs.

Pollution, loneliness, crime.

What cost do coyotes pay?

I’m sure they think it’s a great deal.

But the real beneficiary of our works and wonders is the Coyote Spirit.

The Coyote Spirit is a trickster. It confounds, confuses, disrupts and distracts.

Civilisation has been kind to this spirit. We eagerly carry devices of mass distraction in our pockets. Our careers, hobbies and relationships be damned, cos we just gotta check Facebook one more time.

The Coyote Spirit predates social media. Medieval scholars had to wrestle with their own thoughts and keep them in line. With sun outside, mead to drink and wenches to chase, they had to put all that aside and get down to work.

All the while, trickster ghosts nip at their heels.

Tech companies took this distraction, though, and weaponised it against us. I wouldn’t be saying anything original to call social media addictive, so I’ll skip that part.

Being in a state of distraction was always normal. Now, it’s even more so.

I’m not special – I do it too.

But… well, if you think I’m whiling away my hours on Twitter, survey my mighty works. Clearly I know how to write a lot.

And that’s because I use distraction to my advantage.

The Coyote Spirit in your mind can be an ally – a powerful resource.

You just need to learn how to tame it first.

How do you do that?

Well, it couldn’t be easier. I explain how in Monster Mind Edukaré – my mind training product that, to celebrate Halloween and all your ghostly animal friends, is $100 off right now.

You better hurry, though. That discount is disappearing darn soon.

Here’s the link:

Why settle for a bona fide problem slayer?

Here’s a weird situation to be in:

I was going to talk about how my Monster Mind Edukaré program – currently available at an oozingly generous discount – is great for slaying problems.

After all, one of the modules (out of 19) is the Problem Slayer.

These problems could be anything, from “I often crave junk food” to “my job makes me sad and anxious”. To a thousand other things – dealing with anger, removing creative blocks, destroying excuses…

It’s perfect for anything where you think, feel or do one thing, when you want something else.

It won’t change your physical circumstances, but it does change how you think about them.

And if you want something to change, that’s always the first step.

Here’s where it gets weird, though. When I was looking over everything Monster Mind Edukaré includes, I realised there was a second easy way to slay problems inside it. The Hack Your Hands module teaches a different (and equally quick and effective) way to destroy problems from inside out too.

Why settle for a problem slayer when you can have two of them?

It’s strange. I’m offering so much value that I’m losing track of it all.

(Now I wonder if there’s a third way that’s just as easy and powerful to use, buried in there somewhere…)

Oh well. I’m a fan of having quality problems like this.

The other kind, I prefer to slay.

If you’d like to bloody your sword with your mental enemies, then you’d better get a wriggle on, pendo. Time is running out on that discount.

Here’s the bountiful link:

Your inner friendly poltergeist

With Halloween nipping at our ankles, let’s talk about your poltergeist.

Everyone carries a chorus of monsters in their mind.

Among them, a trickster ghost.

For some folk, this poltergeist is noisy. It throws furniture, smashes glasswear and makes scary sounds.

For others, it’s more subtle.

Moving a cord just enough to make you trip.

Rearranging your desk just enough to make you doubt your sanity.

The poltergeist can really mess with you.

But what if it were, to coin a phrase, a friendly ghost?

What if it was always there, always making changes… all to help you?

That becomes a different class of monster.

This is kind of the way I see hypnosis. Like a good haunting, it’s always around you and not everyone believes it. Unlike ghosts, science backs this one 100%.

Hypnosis follows your every move. There’s no escaping it.

Yes, even if you’re “strong-willed” or whatever.

(Especially if you’re strong-willed…)

Because there are 11 signs you’re in a hypnotic trance. You have your eyes closed – these can happen while you’re wide awake. And I definitely don’t mean you think you’re a chicken.

These are more subtle.

They’re impossible to fake.

And, once you know what to look for, impossible to ignore.

On a given day, you probably experience half of these. Maybe more, maybe less – I’ve never cared enough to accurately measure it. But I promise you this: you experience at least one of them every day.

Which means you’re going in and out of hypnotic trances all day.

For some of you, that’s a cool thought.

For others, it freaks you out.

Either way, you’d better learn what these 11 signs are, right? Even better: why not learn how to use these symptoms to your advantage?

Because each of these are very powerful.

I’ve used them to improve my focus, memorise boring facts and even eliminate pain.

And that’s just scratching the surface of what this can do.

I cover all this in Everyday Hypnosis, which is module 7 (of 19) in my Monster Mind Edukaré program. And if this has tickled your fancy, I recommend acting now. I mean, you could wait, I suppose… but then you’ll miss out on the tasty, tasty discount.

After all, it’s Halloween. Why wouldn’t I take $100 off something called Monster Mind Edukaré?

That would be madness on my part…

All right, enough waffle.

Here’s your haunted link:

The spoopy, creppy psychological insight

Mistakes aren’t too interesting. How can something so common be fascinating?

Except when you see a pattern in the mistakes.

A random blunder might earn a chuckle. But when folk across the world make the same error in the same way, it’s sign of something deeper.

Maybe even a fundamental truth of the human condition.

All that research into cognitive biases shows we humans tend to be optimistic, superstitious, bad at probability and easily swayed by irrelevant details. We fail simple logic exercises in predictable ways.

All because of how our brains like to process information.

So when many people write “spoopy” on a sign or cake instead of spooky…

Or “creppy” when they mean “creepy”…

What does that mean?

Why spoopy and not skooky?

I’m sure there’s a deep, mystical answer to that.

But the general answer is sometimes you set an intention and something goes wrong in the brain. Maybe you’re just tired right now and struggle to keep your thoughts in order. Or maybe you listen so closely you forget to go into the flow.

No matter how it happens, it happens on a deeper level of your thinking.

Parts of your mind that are normally outside conscious awareness.

I say “normally”, because there are ways inside. After all, just because something is unconscious that doesn’t mean it’s outside your ability to influence.

The more you train your mind, the more inner influence and insight you gain.

And to celebrate Halloween, you can train your mind at a lower price than ever. You can create confidence, shred bad habits, sleep deeper, focus and control your desires – all with a tasty $100 discount.

That discount will disappear once the poltergeists get into my servers.

So you’d better get a wriggle on.

Here’s the link:

Got Monster?

Ahh, Halloween. The time to don a mask, embrace fear and explore your inner monsters.

There’s something strangely liberating about concealing your identity. Maybe that’s why some folk go to such lengths with their costumes. Not only do they express themselves, they become someone else.

Whether your costumes are scary or sexy, here’s the strange truth:

When you put a physical mask on, your social mask comes off.

The real you gets to come out to play.

Where have they been hiding all this time, I wonder?

It’s funny that it takes monsters to bring this out of us. After all, our monsters keep our true selves locked away. It’s like we’re princesses kidnapped by dragons, waiting for us to charge in and rescue ourselves.

I hope there’s no mystery why my premium mind training program has a monster theme. Once you learn to tame or slay the ghosts, gremlins and ghouls in your mind, you begin to find more of yourself.

Those parts of you that got lost somewhere along the line.

Or maybe you’ve never found them yet.

Either way, things become different when you reconnect to yourself. I want to say life becomes easier, which it does. Or that you become more mentally powerful and emotionally resilient, which you do.

But that doesn’t seem to entirely capture it.

There’s something else – a sense of wholeness, a relief from no longer having to lie to yourself.


Maybe even enlightenment.

It’s much harder to explain than it is to experience. Once you get a taste, you realise there’s nothing like connecting to your inner mind.

And because it’s the season of monsters and whatnot, I’ve decided to be generous. Between now and Halloween, you can get your hands on Monster Mind Edukaré at a mouth-puckering discount. You can take the $100 you save and spend it on lollies, costumes and spooky decorations.

Nice, huh?

Then you can ride out the rest of the year, reconnecting with something deep, pure and intense inside you. Your alternative is to join a monastery for a decade, and I don’t think they celebrate Halloween in those.

So do yourself a favour and procrastinate later. This discount will disappear faster than a vampire come daybreak.

Here’s the link:
